clj-http.conn-mgr documentation

Utility methods for Scheme registries and HTTP connection managers


connection manager to be rebound during request execution


(make-reusable-conn-manager opts)
Creates a default pooling connection manager with the specified options.

The following options are supported:

:timeout - Time that connections are left open before automatically closing
  default: 5
:threads - Maximum number of threads that will be used for connecting
  default: 4
:default-per-route - Maximum number of simultaneous connections per host
  default: 2
:insecure? - Boolean flag to specify allowing insecure HTTPS connections
  default: false

:keystore - keystore file to be used for connection manager
:keystore-pass - keystore password
:trust-store - trust store file to be used for connection manager
:trust-store-pass - trust store password

Note that :insecure? and :keystore/:trust-store options are mutually exclusive

If the value 'nil' is specified or the value is not set, the default value
will be used.


(make-reusable-conn-manager* {:keys [timeout insecure? keystore trust-store], :as config})
Given an timeout and optional insecure? flag, create a
PoolingClientConnectionManager with <timeout> seconds set as the
timeout value.


(shutdown-manager manager)
Define function to shutdown manager